Our Services

Everything after Picture Lock, and more if you need it

Narriforge has a focus on all the creative post after picture lock, where many projects get stalled in production. The creative decisions taken after picture lock can grant the final polish or emotion a work may need to enter a film festival or hit distribution; our services are aimed at delivering a cohesive treatment, soundscape, and score to deliver at this level.

Need more than just post-production? We offer a full suite of video production for those needing the end-to-end services.

Video Production

From Commercial to Documentary work, our video production services helps provide the cinematography base needed to convey the story—whatever the story is.

On-location production services are the specialty of Narriforge.

Location Sound and RF Coordination

Location sound and sound mixing are one of the keys to capturing the story after picture is taken into consideration.

With the increasing RF spectrum use, RF Coordination has become more important on set and on location. Needing on-set coordination or extra bands only accessible to FCC license holders? We can help your production in multiple ways.

Color Grading

The finish work required for delivery to set the tone of the work.

Rates dependent on color correction severity, shot matching, codec format, and final look requirements.

Editing and Sound Design

Where much of the story is made. Commercial multi-cam, narrative, and documentary editing are covered by the our editing services.

Sound design is a critical component that builds the “world” the story lives in, and is offered for specific genres.

Music Composition and Scoring

A hallmark of a great short, film, or documentary is the score—the “glue” that brings together the various components of a production.

See our Film Composing section for more information.

Video Production

Narriforge offers in-house video production services to facilitate commercial or documentary work. This starts from the storyboard and location scouting steps, and extends to the principal shoot days. In general, we run anywhere from 1 to 5 crew—catering to on-location product shoots, outdoor, and documentary work.

Editing and Sound Design

Our company has a focus on the more difficult side of video production—post and finish work. It’s argued that the story isn’t actually made until the editing phase, as many famous filmmakers will you.

Editing and collaborative editing services are offered with Davinci Resolve and Davinci Cloud (with proxies). Rates are dependent on camera count, shot coverage, and overall length/complexity of the project. For customers who do their own video production (such as indie and documentary filmmakers), please provide proxies at project quote time.

Sound design is critical as it can easily shape the tone of the finished work. Our services are both initial pathfinding on sound design work along with our sound editing and film scoring services. In general, we focus on 5.1 and 2.1 mixes, with non-foley sound design. For Foley work, we work closely with Soundcrafter Austin.

Color Grading

Color Grading is a core puzzle piece to video production work; both commercial and feature benefit as the grade is part of story and tone. Grading covers shot matching, overall look pathfinding, and light texture or effect work.

At Narriforge, we grade with Davinci Resolve and several premium plugins. For color grade-only work, please provide proxies along with the main footage (or collaborative cloud proxies and timeline); depending on delivery requirements we may request a drive with the principal footage instead of cloud-hosted files. If your film is already going to Soundcrafter Austin for editing and foley, we also are able to accommodate in-house color grading for Soundcrafter.

Rates are dependent on complexity of footage, codec, delivery resolution, camera and shot matching requirements, overall length, grading style, and delivery schedule. Please contact us for a quote along with examples of your video with proxy footage.

Two options are available for contract color grading: treatment-based and budget-based.

For Treatment-Based Quotes, please bring footage proxies and example looks for references

For Budget-based, I will communicate the color correction and/or look expectations based on the budget


For production consulting towards one’s projects, Narriforge also offers billable consulting hours towards topics of sound design, composing, and other production-based questions.

Not every project ends up as a coherent work immediately, as the story isn’t truly formed until the editing stage. Taking the raw footage after principal photography and forming it into a consumable medium isn’t a linear process. Narriforge can help in forming the story and narrative with the different tools of post production, and answer any questions that may arise when utilizing other production houses or when interfacing with an agency or corporation.

Contact us today if you have consulting needs about your work or production!